The Haunted Hoard: The Coma: Recut (PC)
The stalker is an enemy archetype that can be found in quite a few horror games. Often taking the form
Read MoreChronicling Video Game History By Playing Every Video Game Ever Released
The stalker is an enemy archetype that can be found in quite a few horror games. Often taking the form
Read MoreWith the unique setup of the DS and 3DS handhelds, porting games specifically developed for them to other hardware comes
Read MoreWhile the exploration-focused platforming of Metroidvanias and the dialogue heavy puzzle solving of point-and-click adventures might feel like two very
Read MoreMuch like how there are exploitation films that specifically aim to appeal to audience with their flagrant embraces of violence
Read MoreThe year is 1970 and private investigator Carl Faubert is called up to an extremely isolated small town in Quebec.
Read MorePokémon Sun and Moon took an unexpected direction with the seventh generation of mainline Pokémon titles, choosing to heavily emphasize
Read MoreWhile a visual novel and graphic novel may sound like they’d be two words for the same thing, the video
Read MoreIt’s fairly common for a hidden object game to throw in some extra gameplay types on top of its search-and-find
Read MoreIf you take one look at Splasher’s art style and its cigar-chomping main villain who will raise his middle finger
Read MoreThe English alphabet contains many simple shapes, making it little surprise when you find some object that contains something that
Read MoreFigment is a game that takes place inside the mind, and as such, a lot of imagination was put into
Read MoreBack when I took a look at Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King, I noted how that simple game’s release in
Read MoreWhen I started playing the puzzle adventure Yono and the Celestial Elephants, I expected, quite reasonably I feel, that the
Read MoreBlossom Tales: The Sleeping King is an example of a game being saved by being at the right place at
Read MoreWith their game Gone Home, Fullbright helped propel narrative exploration into the mainstream, and while it also lead to that
Read MoreBack when the Yakuza series began on the PlayStation 2 it only really seemed to achieve niche success, just enough
Read MoreRhythm games pull their music from plenty of sources. Many will borrow pop hits of the time and some recognizable
Read MoreWhile I am aware of the Neo Geo darling Windjammers, a multiplayer sports title that mixes elements of air hockey
Read MoreMy father once said that every war movie is a horror movie, and in a similar vein, I’d like to
Read MoreWith a name as plain and simple as Duck Game, you almost have to suspect the game isn’t going to
Read MoreSome games try to create an entirely new gaming experience. Some games try to take a preexisting concept and add
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